How to ِApply for and Receive Live Scan Background Checks in California
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Published on March 2, 2021 at 01:00 am
Updated on April 3rd, 2021 at 01:06 pm
Livescan is very important nowadays. Whether you are running a business, a nonprofit organization or a school, you should conduct reliable background checks with biometric identifiers like fingerprints to promote a safer working environment for your employees, clients, students, and to society.
It is true that the public has the right to access criminal records, but it is controlled by the law so that employers and agencies get what they need from a background check and at the same time, employees, volunteers, and teachers retain their privacy. Organizations and employers cannot ask for background checks without following these steps.
#1 Choose ِa Live Scan Background Check Authorization Form
Choosing the correct form is essential for gaining authorization to conduct background checks in California. California’s Department of Justice (DOJ) provides different forms for different organizations. Here is a list of the forms that you have to choose from to request authorization, depending on the nature of your organization or business:
- School Contractors
Schools have the right to ask contractors providing services to the school to conduct background checks for their employees. So, if you are a contractor providing services to a school, this is the correct form that you should use before conducting background checks to those who work for you.
- In-Home Supportive Care Providers
If your agency provides non-medical services for adults in their own homes, then this is the form you need in order to start conducting background checks.
- Youth Organizations and Human Resources Agencies
This form is for agencies with employees and volunteers who are responsible for taking care of and securing children, adults, the handicapped and also the mentally impaired.
- Contract/Proprietary Security Organizations
Any agency that provides security to a property whether it is a private patrol operator or a department within a business whose job is to maintain security should use this form.
- City, County, and Special Districts
This form is for cities, counties or special district, requesting to conduct background checks for purposes of employment, issuing licenses or for certification.
- AmeriCorps Agency Resources
This authorization form is for Americorps agencies, specifically for employees and volunteers whose responsibility involves taking care of children, the elderly, the handicapped and the mentally impaired as well as providing security.
If you don’t find your agency or business listed above, then use the following form.
Click here for more information about authorization to conduct background checks in California.
#2 Introducing Application Forms to Fill Out
Although there are different authorization forms, there are guidelines and information needed that applies to all the forms you fill out. General information needed includes your agency’s physical address, why you need live scan background checks for: for employment or for volunteers, and also to specify if another entity like a school has asked you to conduct background checks before you start providing services to the school (for school contractors).
Also, you have to fill a form to request ORI and mail code (those are codes needed to make processing live scan requests easier).
If you want to create a billing account with the DOJ, you can also fill out that form, but it is not obligatory. You fill it out only if you want your agency to pay DOJ fees for your applicants.
Any applicant agency who needs to start conducting background checks should have a custodian of records. A custodian of records is a person who is responsible for securing and storing background checks and is also responsible for contacting the DOJ.
There are forms that a custodian of records should fill regarding his/her personal information. Once your agency receives approval for authorization, the custodian of records should fill a live scan form to get fingerprinted at any certified Live Scan Location.
If you want to receive Subsequent Arrest Notifications, you can fill out the form for it so that your agency receives information about criminal history after the date of hire.
After sending all the forms required, all you need to do is wait for written approval to start sending applicants for fingerprinting.
#3 Receiving Approval and Sending Applicants
Once you receive approval, you can start sending your applicants for fingerprinting to any certified live scan location. When you send your applicants, remember to provide them with the correct live scan form. Most authorized applicant agencies use this form.
For more information about how to fill the form, you can view this link. In the form, you fill the ORI, the code you received from the DOJ, mailing code, billing number if there is any and the level of service (DOJ or DOJ & FBI if you are authorized by law to request both). For others forms a requesting agency gives to the applicant before fingerprinting, click here.
For more information about creating billing accounts with a live scan provider so that you can start sending your applicants to specific live scan locations and pay for live scan rolling fees later, you can contact us.
NOW you are ready to send applicants and receive trusted live scan background check results for everyone joining your agency.
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Read more about: What are the Safest Ways to Complete Your Live Scan during the Covid-19 Pandemic?
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Frequently Asked Questions
Where do I get the Live Scan request form?
The agency that is requesting the Live Scan must provide you with the Request For Live Scan Service form. Your requesting agency should have their information entered for you on the “contributing agency information” section of the form. Live scan locations will not have the live scan request form for you on site.
What do I need to get a live scan?
The requesting agency should provide you with a “request for live scan service form“. You will need to fill that out, you will also need to bring a primary form of I.D. such as a Driver’s license or a CA ID
How long do you keep the Request For Live Scan Service form?
California DOJ regulates that we keep the Request For Live Scan Service form for one year.
After one year, the form is shredded and disposed of. -
What is an "OCA" number?
The OCA number is a field for the requesting agency to use for internal needs.
OCA stands for “Originating Case Agency”.
Sometimes the Request For Live Scan Service Form may have this field listed as “Your Number” or “Facility Number”.
This field in the live scan system is only required by specific agencies. (i.e. Department of Social Services – A0448).
Certifix uses this field to identify Certifix Billing Accounts.