What You Need to Know About the Live Scan Forms
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Published on March 2, 2021 at 11:00 am
Updated on April 3rd, 2021 at 01:12 pm
Applicants always ask live scan technicians for help when it comes to filling out their live scan forms. Livescan technicians are experienced at what they do. They take fingerprints digitally through advanced scanning devices and transfer the images to the DOJ in a matter of seconds.
They are patient and professional. They always make sure that your fingerprint images are clear and if not, they will recapture more images until they are satisfied with the results. That, of course, is done so that the DOJ does not have trouble viewing or comparing your fingerprint images to their fingerprint criminal database.
If images are unclear, the applicant will have to get fingerprinted again, so a qualified and a patient technician will help you save time by making sure the images are perfect before sending.
That is what live scan technicians do. They ensure they capture great-quality fingerprint images and copy the data on the live scan form to complete image transferral to the DOJ.
What Are the Information Needed on a Live Scan Form?
Livescan technicians also known as rollers are professional and friendly. They will try to help you the best way they can, but there is a limit to their knowledge. Here is why they cannot help you with the live scan form no matter how much they want to.
1- Personal Information
You need to write personal information on a live scan form. That includes your full name, date of birth, address, eye color, weight, height, driver’s license number, etc. That section is easy, but a technician can’t fill this data for you. You’re the only person who can.
2- Agency Information
Every requesting agency or employer has a unique code: Originating Agency Identification (ORI). The DOJ assigns every agency that requests live scan an ORI code. That code facilitates the process. After checking and comparing fingerprint images to their database, the DOJ sends background check results to that code/ the requesting agency.
There are many requesting agencies out there and the technician will not know them. Make sure the requesting agency has the code written for you on the form.
3- Various Live Scan Forms
In addition to the ORI code on the form, there are actually many forms. And that depends on the job you are applying for or your license. So, a technician might not be aware of the right form that you need. Only the requesting agency has that kind of information.
4- Types of Background Check
The DOJ dictates the type of background check your requesting agency asks for whether it is one of the following or more: DOJ, FBI, CACI, firearms eligibility.
The type of live scan form dictates what types of background checks are requested: DOJ, FBI, CACI, or firearms eligibility.
The DOJ (California’s Department of Justice) is responsible for conducting background checks and verifying fingerprint records of only the state of California (police and court records). That includes any arrest or conviction that took place in California. So if you’re asked for a DOJ only, your fingerprint images will be compared to the fingerprint criminal database of California. compiled from court and police station records in California.
The FBI background check is inclusive. When you’re also asked for an FBI background check. The DOJ after verifying your fingerprints will transfer images to FBI for further verification. This time fingerprint images are compared to a fingerprint criminal database of all the U.S and not just California.
If you’re working with children or consider adopting a child, you’ll be asked for the Child Abuse Central Index (CACI) background check. Child Abuse Central Index (CACI) is a background check performed to check whether a person has abused or neglected a child in any way.
- Firearm Eligibility
Firearm eligibility is normally requested if you’re working as a guard or for a law enforcement agency. That background check ensures that you haven’t done nothing that prohibits you from carrying a weapon.
The technician will not be aware which background check your requesting agency is authorized to receive and cannot decide which form you need, so the safest way is to ask the requesting agency for the correct live scan form before visiting the live scan location.
Read more about: Fingerprints System for Law enforcement
What Happens When You Come Prepared?
It expedites the live scan process. The technician will just take fingerprints, copy the data and send the images instantly. So no more waiting and no more queues. When you have all the data entered correctly, that ensures it arrives safely to its destination (the DOJ).
You can always check live scan forms listed on our website, but please remember that they are only listed as a reference and the best way to know the form that you really need is verifying with your requesting agency. Go prepared with the correct live scan form to enjoy a successful and stress-free live scan process.
Read more about: Live Scan Fingerprinting vs. Online Background Checks
Please visit us at CertifixLiveScan.com to find your nearest location, or give us a call at 1-800-710-1934, or email us at support@certifixlivescan.com.
Read more about: What are the Safest Ways to Complete Your Live Scan during the Covid-19 Pandemic?
Image Credit: Business photo created by katemangostar – www.freepik.com
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Frequently Asked Questions
Where do I get the Live Scan request form?
The agency that is requesting the Live Scan must provide you with the Request For Live Scan Service form. Your requesting agency should have their information entered for you on the “contributing agency information” section of the form. Live scan locations will not have the live scan request form for you on site.
Do you provide the forms or do I have to bring the form?
Whoever is requesting for the live scan should provide you with the live scan request form. If we do print you out a form there is a possibility that it is not correct, and your live scan could be rejected.
What is "Job Title" on the Request for Live Scan form?
This is a free-form field where the agency that has ownership of the ORI can include the specific job title, license, certificate or permit.
Example: Petition for Adoption, Emergency Child Placement, Foster Family Home, Volunteer, etc. -
How long do you keep the Request For Live Scan Service form?
California DOJ regulates that we keep the Request For Live Scan Service form for one year.
After one year, the form is shredded and disposed of.