Wondering Where Can I Get Fingerprinted? Let Us Help You
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Published on April 8, 2021 at 05:08 am
Updated on September 12th, 2022 at 11:50 am
Fingerprints are unique to each person. Your fingerprints are not going to match the fingerprints of your neighbor.
That is why fingerprints can be such a valuable tool for identification purposes. When a prospective employer requests a background check, you will need to submit to fingerprinting.
The fingerprints will be run through various agencies to check for criminal records and other records tied to your fingerprints. In other words, if you were ever arrested and fingerprinted, it will likely show up in your background check.
Fingerprinting provides a level of security for jobs before they hire workers. It helps to ensure that workers have the kind of background the job requires.
Here at Certifix Live Scan, we partner with various agencies and prospective employers for fingerprinting purposes.
When your potential employer uses our services, we take care of the fingerprinting process. If you are wondering, “Where can I get fingerprinted?” all you need to do is contact us for information about our nearest location. Since we have over 200 locations in California, you will not have a problem getting the fingerprinting complete so you can (hopefully) acquire a new job.
Please visit us at CertifixLiveScan.com to find your nearest location, or give us a call at (800) 710-1934, or email us at support@certifixlivescan.com.
Read more about: What are the Safest Ways to Complete Your Live Scan during the Covid-19 Pandemic?
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Frequently Asked Questions
Is live scan the same as fingerprinting?
Live scan is fingerprinting done electronically performed for an agency or an individual to receive a background check from the DOJ and FBI.
How do I get a Fingerprint Roller Certificate?
- Review the Handbook -this handbook provides you with basic steps and responsibilities for obtaining a Certification, including background check information and disqualifying offenses.
- Complete the Application for Certification (Form BCIA 8372). Learn More
How long does it take to perform the Live Scan?
The live scan fingerprinting usually takes about 10-15 minutes.
How can I find out what is taking so long on my live scan?
The agency or employer requesting the fingerprints can contact the Department of Justice via email at appagencyquestions@doj.ca.gov.
Include the ORI #, first and last name of applicant and the ATI number.